Ministry Leader
Norm Franz
Founder and Senior Pastor
Norm Franz is founder and senior pastor of Ascension Ministries International (AMI). He is a Christian author, international Bible teacher, and respected biblical futurist who ministers God’s Word from a Hebraic perspective.
In the late 1970’s, Norm’s life hit bottom, and he began crying out for God to help him. He had doubts about the inerrancy of God’s word and told the Lord he wanted proof that the Bible was true. That is when the Lord showed him the truth of Scripture through the prophecies regarding the rebirth of Israel as a nation and how that began the prophetic timetable of the last days. Then, on August 29, 1980, Norm accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as his Savior and Lord and was miraculously set free from drugs and alcohol by the power of God. The Lord gave Norm a heart for His Torah (teaching and instruction) and set him on a new course serving Him.
For 15 years, he worked in the marketplace as a Christian business owner, consumer finance officer, business development specialist, monetary economist, and investment company president. After the stock market crash of 1987, Norm found himself broke and unemployed, with creditors demanding payment on a mountain of debt he could not pay. That is when the Holy Spirit showed him how the world’s financial system was built upon an elaborate system of dishonest scales that violated God’s financial laws. From there, the Lord taught Norm how to apply the principles of Torah to his business and financial endeavors in a way that prospered him and allowed him to pay off his debt without having to file bankruptcy.
In January 1995, Norm entered full-time ministry and founded Ascension Ministries, a Torah-based, prophetic outreach dedicated to ministering the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah from a Hebraic perspective. The primary areas of teaching and ministry the Lord gave him to focus on where 1) a balanced, non-legalistic application of God’s Torah, 2) Biblical Economics, and 3) the various aspects of Prophecy (vis-á-vis, the Office of Prophet, Prophetic Ministry, and End Time Prophecy).
From 1997-2011, Norm traveled extensively throughout the nations providing a clear understanding of why the world is experiencing repetitive financial crises, where that is in Scripture, what is coming next and how to prepare for it. He appeared on numerous Christian television programs and was a regular guest on national and international radio programs.
His highly acclaimed book, Money & Wealth in the New Millennium, unravels the economic mysteries of the last days and offers biblical answers for overcoming the great end time financial shaking. As a result, Norm has become a recognized authority on the world financial system and the problems plaguing the global economy. His proven financial insights have made him a prophetic voice to business, government, and church leaders worldwide.
In 2011, the Lord led him and Ascension Ministries to cut back on physical travel and begin a Saturday Shabbat service streaming it live through an internet webcast. The T.G.I.S. (Thank God It’s Shabbat) webcast has become an internet church that ministers a balanced, Torah-based, end time, prophetic message to the body of Messiah worldwide every Saturday.
In August of 2014, Pastor Norm was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. After undergoing a lengthy battle, with support from his wife Deborah, the AMI team, and the covenant partners, he is cancer free today and back working full time in the ministry.
Pastor Norm and Deborah live in Idaho Falls, Idaho with their horse ‘Shekinah’ and their cat ‘Snow’. From there, they minister God’s prophetic word to the nations via AMI’s weekly Shabbat webcast. In 2019, they added a monthly prophecy update webcast entitled “The Elijah Report”. Together with the AMI family, they are working to prepare the way and the people of the Lord (Luke 1:17).
Ministry Leader
Norm Franz
Founder and Senior Pastor
Norm Franz is founder and senior pastor of Ascension Ministries International (AMI). He is a Christian author, international Bible teacher, and respected biblical futurist who ministers God’s Word from a Hebraic perspective.
In the late 1970’s, Norm’s life hit bottom, and he began crying out for God to help him. He had doubts about the inerrancy of God’s word and told the Lord he wanted proof that the Bible was true. That is when the Lord showed him the truth of Scripture through the prophecies regarding the rebirth of Israel as a nation and how that began the prophetic timetable of the last days. Then, on August 29, 1980, Norm accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as his Savior and Lord and was miraculously set free from drugs and alcohol by the power of God. The Lord gave Norm a heart for His Torah (teaching and instruction) and set him on a new course serving Him.
For 15 years, he worked in the marketplace as a Christian business owner, consumer finance officer, business development specialist, monetary economist, and investment company president. After the stock market crash of 1987, Norm found himself broke and unemployed, with creditors demanding payment on a mountain of debt he could not pay. That is when the Holy Spirit showed him how the world’s financial system was built upon an elaborate system of dishonest scales that violated God’s financial laws. From there, the Lord taught Norm how to apply the principles of Torah to his business and financial endeavors in a way that prospered him and allowed him to pay off his debt without having to file bankruptcy.
In January 1995, Norm entered fulltime ministry and founded Ascension Ministries, a Torah-based, prophetic outreach dedicated to ministering the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah from a Hebraic perspective. The primary areas of teaching and ministry the Lord gave him to focus on where 1) a balanced, non-legalistic application of God’s Torah, 2) Biblical Economics, and 3) the various aspects of Prophecy (vis-á-vis, the Office Of Prophet, Prophetic Ministry, and End Time Prophecy).
From 1997-2011, Norm traveled extensively throughout the nations providing a clear understanding of why the world is experiencing repetitive financial crises, where that is in Scripture, what is coming next and how to prepare for it. He appeared on numerous Christian television programs and was regularly guest on national and international radio programs.
His highly acclaimed book, Money & Wealth in the New Millennium, unravels the economic mysteries of the last days and offers biblical answers for overcoming the great end time financial shaking. As a result, Norm has become a recognized authority on the world financial system and the problems plaguing the global economy. His proven financial insights have made him a prophetic voice to business, government, and church leaders worldwide.
In 2011, the Lord led him and Ascension Ministries to cut back on the physical travel and begin a Saturday Shabbat service and stream it live through an internet webcast. The T.G.I.S. (Thank God It’s Shabbat) webcast has become an internet church that ministers a balance, Torah-based, end time, prophetic message to the body of Messiah worldwide every Saturday.
In August of 2014, Pastor Norm was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. After undergoing a lengthy battle, with support from his wife Deborah, the AMI team, and the covenant partners, he is cancer free today and back working fulltime in the ministry.
Pastor Norm and Deborah live in Idaho Falls, Idaho with their horse ‘Shekinah’ and their cat ‘Snow’. From there, they minister God’s prophetic word to the nations via AMI’s weekly Shabbat webcast. In 2019, they added a monthly prophecy update webcast entitled “The Elijah Report”. Together with the AMI family, they are working to prepare the way and the people of the Lord (Luke 1:17).